When we heard that Yabu was opening a branch at SM North Edsa, Mike and I got super excited! :) We had a great first time at their Megamall branch. I ordered their Hire Miso Katsu while Mike got the Menchi Katsu set. Even though I didn't enjoy my katsu as much as Mike enjoyed his, I still left with a very happy tummy because of the unlimited cabbages and miso soup! I just love the combination of the gomu dressing and shouyu on the cabbages, which tastes a lot like Japanese mayonnaise. Pretty sure I had at least three servings of cabbages that night. Haha :)
Though I wasn't able to take pictures our Yabu Megamall experience, I remember it pretty well. Especially because of the super nice waiter who took the time to explain to us what the sesame seeds and the sauces are for (I didn't get your name - but whoever you are, thank you!).
Though I wasn't able to take pictures our Yabu Megamall experience, I remember it pretty well. Especially because of the super nice waiter who took the time to explain to us what the sesame seeds and the sauces are for (I didn't get your name - but whoever you are, thank you!).
Pretty sure I don't have to explain what the sauces are for since almost everyone has been to Yabu already :p

Mike's sister Michelle joined us on our Yabu adventure (oh lookie, I'm wearing a cap!)
Mike's sister Michelle joined us on our Yabu adventure (oh lookie, I'm wearing a cap!)
With Mike's recommendation, she ordered the Menchi Katsu Set :)
Mike wanted to try something new so he went with the Rosu Katsu Set.
I ordered the other set I wanted to try during our first visit - their Menchi Curry Set.
Two thumbs up for their curry sauce! :)
Thank you, Yabu, for opening a branch closer to us! We'll definitely be visiting you more often! :D
P.S. This is a late post. Though I did eat at Yabu again last night with Mike's friends (I even ordered the same set :p). Two visits in one week! I love you, Yabuuuuu! ♥