Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Lubao International Balloon and Music Festival

My first time attending the Lubao International Balloon and Music Festival!

It was a weekend of fun and flights at the Lubao International Balloon and Music Festival held last March 23-25, 2018 at Pradera Verde in Lubao, Pampanga! 
I was invited to spend a day at the event, but due to the wind conditions that day, none of the hot air balloons were able to take flight.
We left Manila at 2 am and arrived at Prado farms by 3:30 am. An hour later, we made our way to Pradera Verde where we watched the pilots and chasers prepare the balloons for take off. 

They tried and tried, but the wind just wouldn't cooperate, so they eventually packed up, leaving us looking for ways to entertain ourselves.

Most of our group gave up and headed home by 10am. Jeman and I were supposed to follow after lunch, but the organizers requested we stay the night. Since we didn't really have plans that weekend, we agreed.

We spent the rest of the afternoon at SM Pampanga and returned just in time for the Night Glow. Or so we thought. Unfortunately, the guards wouldn't let us through the regular entrance (the same one we entered that morning) with our media IDs. We had to go all the way around the field, which meant missing the entire show :(

It was really disappointing since it was our only night at Lubao (and therefore our only chance to witness the Night Glow). Good thing there was still a music festival to enjoy - and that evening, Ex Battalion, Silent Sanctuary, and Moira were playing. The night ended with a fireworks display, but by that time, we were already back at Prado Farms and ready for bed.

The following day, we were up by 4:30 am to catch the sunrise and morning balloon flights.

It was amazing seeing the balloons take flight. I was honestly jealous of the ones who got to ride them though. Oh well, maybe next year?

And away they go!

Where they're going, no one knows (jk they ended up in Dinalupihan, Bataan)

A magnificent sight.

The balloon May May and Edward Barber rode

Ratatouille!? Haha!

This is Bettina, signing off from Lubao International Balloon and Music Festival! 
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