Tired of carrying bulky perfume bottles around all the time? Here's something you'll definitely love!
I'm sure everyone has, at some point, carried around heavy perfume bottles in their bags, sometimes even spilling them in the process. What a hassle, right? Well, I, for one, am tired of having to clean up or bring entire bottles wherever I go.
Recently, I found a great solution - Fragrance Unlimited's Perfume Atomizer!
It's this small, easy to carry, perfume containers for all your perfume needs. It's so much more convenient to use this on a daily basis rather than have the entire perfume bottle with me all the time.
What's so great about Fragrance Unlimited's perfume atomizers is that they are easily refillable. You can remove the cap and fill it up from there, or you can pump to fill from the bottom.
Each atomizer comes with an indicator window so you can easily see how much perfume you have left. It is also aircraft-approved for carry-on baggage so you can smell fresh even when you're on the plane.
Plus, it comes in many different colors!
Just to be clear, this product isn't just for women, it's for men too. It is portable and lightweight so you can bring it with you all the time (just put it in your pocket!)
Order your own refillable perfume atomizer today for only 250 pesos! Here's a tip: share this post on Facebook, comment below with your email address and the link of your post (make sure it's on public), and I'll send you a special code for 10% discount on your purchase! :)
For more cool finds, like and follow Life in Technicolor on Facebook and Instagram!
Recently, I found a great solution - Fragrance Unlimited's Perfume Atomizer!
It's this small, easy to carry, perfume containers for all your perfume needs. It's so much more convenient to use this on a daily basis rather than have the entire perfume bottle with me all the time.
What's so great about Fragrance Unlimited's perfume atomizers is that they are easily refillable. You can remove the cap and fill it up from there, or you can pump to fill from the bottom.
Each atomizer comes with an indicator window so you can easily see how much perfume you have left. It is also aircraft-approved for carry-on baggage so you can smell fresh even when you're on the plane.
Plus, it comes in many different colors!
Just to be clear, this product isn't just for women, it's for men too. It is portable and lightweight so you can bring it with you all the time (just put it in your pocket!)
Order your own refillable perfume atomizer today for only 250 pesos! Here's a tip: share this post on Facebook, comment below with your email address and the link of your post (make sure it's on public), and I'll send you a special code for 10% discount on your purchase! :)
For more cool finds, like and follow Life in Technicolor on Facebook and Instagram!