Megawatt is located at the second floor of LG2 Car Wash along N. Domingo Street. It's not that hard to spot since it's the only establishment in the area.

You can hang out at Megawatt while getting your car washed. Or you know, just head straight on up for their delicious burritos. There are more than enough signages to point you in the right direction. ;)

I love how their chairs and tables were made especially for them. The entire restaurant feels like you're eating at some solar power plant's pantry or something.

They even have toys on display inside a glass case. I noticed that there are watches and shoes for sale there too.

My date for tonight and every night! Teehee. P.S. do we look alike? People keep telling us that we do, but I don't see it!

What we had:
Nacho-Rizo (P158)

Tim LOVED this. He pretty much devoured the entire thing!

Breakfast Longganisa Burrito (P208)

I honestly don't know how to photograph burritos. I tried, guys, I really did. Haha. This Breakfast Burrito was okay. It didn't have that wow factor for me, but I thought it tasted best when mixed with some garlic sauce, tomato ketchup, and jalapeño sauce. Tim liked the jalapeño and garlic sauce together while I combined all three.

29 Karat Surf and Turf Burrito (P819)

29 karat? Say what? Their Surf and Turf Burrito is a combination of seafoods, meltique steak with edible gold cream and foie gras, which explains the price. I mean, how fancier can a burrito get?

I seriously fell in love with this one. There are some parts that kind of melts in your mouth since there's so much cheese in it, plus the steak is so tender. There was the occasional seafood, I think it had scallops, shrimps and squid in there. Tim and I each ate 1/4 of the burritos, but we were so full after.

I wish they offered a half serving of this so that it's not too expensive. I'm not sure what the gold cream was about, honestly, I could live without it if it means getting this at a lower price.

Megawatt is located at 41-A N. Domingo corner Gilmore, Brgy. Valencia, Quezon City.
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