Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Yummy Smudgies!


I'm trying hard to keep my promise to bake something new every week. So even though my experiments do not end up looking the way I want them to, I'm still going to post about them here. Like for instance, these S'mores Fudge Brownies (Smudgies) which I honestly had a difficult time taking pictures of. They did not look pretty, I tell you that. But I was really excited about them because they smelled really good in the oven and they came out perfect - crunchy on the outside but chewy on the inside. It was great because my parents liked them (FYI my dad is not a fan of brownies). My boyfriend's family liked them, too! His mom even asked him where he bought them. Teehee. *blush* But seriously, this is the only good photo I have of my Smudgies and I have no clue how I'm going to make them look better next time. 

Oh well, I'll eventually figure it out. For now, I have my next masterpiece to discover. Haha! :P Happy Tuesday, everyone!