Monday, February 12, 2018

Explore Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber

Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Think you know everything about Manila? Think again.

Recently, Uber conducted a comprehensive analysis of drop-off points across the Asia-Pacific region to discover which spots were photo-worthy, but underrated. This study was complemented with additional research about the areas surrounding these destinations. Through a partnership with Canon, Uber converted these insights into inspiration for leading travel bloggers and photographers Kryz Uy, Benj Ramos, and Aaron Quinto. Exploring the different locations we sometimes take for granted, each influencer brought to life the stories of these places through compelling visual imagery.
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Among Manila’s most beautiful hidden destinations are Puerta Real Gardens, a hidden and well preserved garden from 18th-century Intramuros; Manila Central Post Office, a model of neoclassical architecture that was rebuilt after the second World War; and Bahay Nakpil-Bautista, an art deco-influenced and historically significant heritage home.
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Puerta Real Gardens by Aaron Quintos

Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Manila Post Office by Benj Ramos

Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Bahay Nakpil Bautista by Kryz Uy
Have you been to these places before? I certainly haven't.

According to Eshan Ponnadurai, Director, Brand and Strategy Asia-Pacific at Uber, the campaign is part of Uber’s mission of unlocking the potential of cities by harnessing technology. “Working with local influencers, Uber can leverage data-driven and culturally-relevant insights to tell the stories of how cities move.” “Every city has its unique characteristics that may at times be veiled, and photography has the powerful ability to capture and express the beauty of these hidden gems to a wider community,” said Naohiko Hayashi, Senior Director and General Manager of Regional ICP Sales and Marketing Center, Canon Singapore Pte. Ltd. “With Uber, we want to empower more people to uncover and capture their unique perspective of their cities through the lens of our mirrorless EOS M cameras.”
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Last week, Uber invited us to My Mother's Garden located at 2650 Zamora Street in Pasay. It's the home of the late Pablo S. Antonio, who was named National Artist for Architecture in 1976. 
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Today, My Mother's Garden is a by-reservation only dining spot for romantic dates, family gatherings, group meetings, events, parties, and memorable events like showers, christening, and small weddings. 
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
It is also the home of Antonio's daughter Malu and granddaughter Letlet, both of whom are fashion designers. We were lucky to have met with Ms. Malu, who personally gave us a tour of their home. 
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
She showed us some of the dresses and necklaces she designed, and shared with us her plans of creating a ready-to-wear line to cater to more clients.
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Above dress is made from dyed piña

Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber

Hidden Cities with Canon and UberHidden Cities with Canon and Uber
More gowns on display

Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Ms. Malu Antonio Veloso

After the tour, it was time for lunch!
My Mother's Garden
My Mother's Garden
Lunch consisted of fresh picks from the market by Ms. Malu herself - pasta, shrimps, salad, fruits, chicken, and dessert! I had two full plates of food that afternoon! Haha!
My Mother's Garden
My Mother's Garden
My Mother's Garden
My Mother's Kitchen is just one of the many hidden gems Manila has to offer. If you're looking to learn more about history and enjoy a great meal while doing so, definitely give them a visit and book your trip via Uber today ;)
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Come unveil the beauty of the Metro and discover your own hidden gems with Uber and Canon! Capture the beauty of your favorite place and post it on Instagram with a short description of why you think this hidden gem deserves more attention. Tag @uber_phl and use #HiddenCitiesPH #CanonxUberPH.

Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Hidden Cities with Canon and Uber
Find out more about #HiddenCities by checking out the images of Manila’s hidden destinations along with the stories they tell at
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