Did a fun shoot to celebrate National Potato Chips Day!
Since I posted about National Pancake Day, I thought that it's only fair to celebrate junk food, too. Sure, it's unhealthy, but there are just those times that you feel like you need to eat these salty treats. For me, it's usually Sunday afternoons while I catch up on my television shows or late evenings when I work on the blog.
For this, I bought a couple of local as well as imported potato chips - of course, the family favorites.
1. Vcut. My dad loves this, especially the barbecue flavor. We seldom buy chips, but when we do, Vcut is always on the list.
My mom, on the other hand, enjoys cheesy ones, like Roller Coaster. It's not like your regular chips because these are actually potato rings. I remember when I was a kid, I would put a piece on each of my fingers pretending they are rings, and eat them one by one.
My brother likes his wasabi. I honestly haven't tried Gourmet Picks' sea salt flavor, but the wasabi and nori ranks high in my book. It comes in a huge pack, so it's perfect for sharing!
My sister can be very conscious of what she eats, but whenever we have Ridges at home, she can't help but eat it.
The Calbee and Ruffles are chips I won during last year's Mooncake Festival. Yes, I still haven't eaten them (mainly because I'm worried I'll end up finishing them in one go haha!)
My favorite local potato chips though is Oishi's Potato Chips in ketchup flavor! I also like Piknik's ketchup flavored potato crisps. Now that I think about it, ketchup is probably my favorite condiment, because whenever I eat a sausage mcmuffin, I use up at least three packs of ketchup! No kidding!
Hope you liked this quick post and shoot that I came up with. Check back soon for more fun stuff!