So Tim arrived at my house at 7pm, said hello to my parents, then we left. Within five minutes of running, guess what happened? I tripped on an unmarked speed bump (emphasizing the word unmarked so I don't feel extra stupid for the incident haha)! It felt like everything happened in slow motion, it was so embarrassing! I fell in front of three strangers and my boyfriend, and all I could do after was laugh. One of the guys (who was also jogging) helped me and asked if I was okay - all I managed to say was "sorry." Sorry for what exactly? For bothering him? For taking up some of his precious running time? For tripping in front of him? I don't know!! Haha!
You're probably wondering where Tim was in all this. Well, he was running ahead of me, but he still saw me fall because he turned around right when it happened. Lucky me, right? Haha! He hugged me and apologized, and I, of course, told him that it wasn't his fault that I fell! We brisk walked back to my house so I can wash my bruises and put some medicine on them. The moment I got inside the house, I told my family what happened and they all laughed at me! Typical. :P
While I was cleaning up my arms, Tim continued his run. We met up afterwards and I ran an additional fifteen minutes. I didn't give up and I'm proud of myself for that.
Last night's statistics:
Total jogging time: ~20 minutes
Minutes run before tripping: >5 minutes
Bruises incurred: 4
Locations of bruises: Left palm, back of right hand, right arm, right leg
Number of witnesses: At least 4 people (haha!)
Lesson: "Nothing worth having is ever easy, and all the best things in life are the result of pain. In the end, that's what makes the good things go very great, and that's what makes it all worth the struggle."